JOGG and BNP Paribas Cardif expand initiatives for healthier food offerings

April 7, 2022

Water and more conscious eating the new standard at school by Thirst bar and Kokkerelli

Today, on World Health Day, JOGG and BNP Paribas Cardif announce their
partnership. The insurer helps JOGG to make the school environment healthier by encouraging
healthier food and water consumption. To this end, the Thirst bar and Kokkerelli initiatives are
being expanded.

JOGG (Healthy Youth, Healthy Future) strives for a ‘lifestyle transition’ from unhealthy to healthy living.
JOGG makes the physical and social living environment of all children and young people healthier. As a
result, the youth grows up into a healthy generation.

BNP Paribas Cardif and JOGG together stimulate a healthy lifestyle among young people through various
initiatives such as:

Thirst bar: stimulating drinking water at (V)MBO schools
Thanks to research commissioned by JOGG last year and co-creation with young people, secondary
school students themselves, the Thirst bar concept is now available. This makes water taps more
attractive, so that young people also drink water at school and experience it as a meeting place. It
contributes to structural behavioral change, with an adjustment in the physical environment and a range
of ‘thirst lessons’ where substantive attention is paid to the benefits of drinking water as a healthy thirst
quencher. With the help of BNP Paribas Cardif, JOGG can ensure that this pilot is scaled up to more
schools to gain more data and insights. The aim is to make the concept applicable to all VMBO and MBO
schools in the Netherlands.

Kokkerelli: children learn about the food chain
In collaboration with Healthy Primary School of the Future, the Kokkerelli program in the Limburg region
will be boosted to other regions in the Netherlands. Through the Kokkerelli program, primary school
children are introduced to the entire food chain, literally from soil to mouth. Children learn where food
comes from and what the effect of food is on their health. They will see, feel, smell, prepare and taste fruit
and vegetables on location at the grower’s and in the kitchen.

A commitment with health and inclusion
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 39% of the global adult population (aged 18 and
over) was overweight in 2016 and 13% was obese. The number of overweight and obese children and
adolescents aged 5 to 19 has increased dramatically. From just 4% in 1975 to just over 18% in 2016.
The Covid-19 pandemic has shown that people who are overweight or obese are at greater risk of
developing a severe form of the disease, reinforcing BNP Paribas Cardif’s conviction of the importance
and urgency of acting.

As a global specialist in personal insurance and employer of 8,000 employees in 33 countries, BNP
Paribas Cardif wants to continue its commitment to health and inclusion, BNP Paribas Cardif thus
supports prevention, awareness and research on overweight and obesity.